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Back 08.09.2023 Success stories

3 tips to unleash your potential

Mario Marino Céspedes, B.H.M.S. graduate and current Assistant Director of Finance and Accounting at the St Regis Bal Harbour Hotel in Miami, shares his top tips for uncovering your potential and setting yourself on the path to a successful career.

I love Switzerland. I miss it a lot

When I try to pinpoint the things that helped me to become a successful professional, it’s hard to pick just a few. Many factors contributed to me unlocking my potential, and getting the position I currently hold as Assistant Director of Finance, but a lot of them were attitudes and attributes I already possessed. These prompted me to make decisions that would determine who I would become. The following 3 tips are things I would recommend to anyone hoping for a successful career in the professional sphere..

1. Study abroad

The international exposure that came from my experience of studying in Switzerland was honestly unparalleled. As well as discovering more about the world — the professional world specifically — the environment at B.H.M.S. was both challenging and encouraging. The teachers, the country itself, and the overall experience of living somewhere new helped me discover more about myself and shaped my work ethic, helping me to become the successful professional I am today.

Because of my interests, classes in Statistics, Finance, and Accounting were especially formative for me. This is the department I’m working in today.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, the amazing Swiss weather and the calm lifestyle should be.

2. Don’t be afraid to start from the ground up

I started from the ground up more than once.

After graduating, I moved to Abu Dhabi. There, I worked in HR at the Marriot Al-Forsan Hotel, but after a while, I felt like I needed a change.

I went back to Peru before eventually moving to the States. In America, I rejoined the Marriott at the Miami Beach edition, this time working in finance. I started basically from zero as a general accountant. With time, of course, I worked my way up. I became a Staff Accountant, then I was a Payroll Clerk. When the pandemic hit, I had to take on more responsibility. I worked several positions at a time to make sure the whole office was covered. That experience gave me access to the job that I have now as Assistant Director of Finance at St Regis Bal Harbour, but it was a gradual journey up and required humbling myself to take a starting position.

This brings me to my last point.

3. Practice gratitude and humility

This one is so important. It means taking advice. It means listening to everyone around you who is willing to help you succeed, from teachers to friends and family, and putting their advice and tips into practice. A lot of them have been in your position before, so it’s essential to take their tips seriously.

be grateful - for your experiences, and for everyone who helped you along your path

Many of us find it so difficult to be humble and grateful, but this is what will help you to grow. It’s also what will push you to work hard and become the best, most successful professional you can be.
