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Back 26.08.2024 Campus life

A legacy of dedication: BHMS bids farewell to beloved Academic Dean

 After 14 incredible years, Mrs Heather Robinson is stepping down as BHMS's beloved Academic Dean. Known for her passion and innovative spirit, she reflects on what drove her, her fondest memories, some of the key lessons learned, and her exciting future plans. 

Inspiring, hardworking, fair. You have always been there for us and the entire team, serving as the backbone of all operations. I want to express my deep gratitude for everything you have done. (Judith Schädler Wurster, Associate Dean)

What drove your daily enthusiasm at work?

"It is about knowing that no two days are the same and about the people you know you are going to work with. Without a great team, nothing is achievable. 

Knowing that I would be surrounded by great colleagues and fantastic students was always the reason I came back to the office every day. 

Mrs Heather was always behind the scenes, but at the same time, I knew she was there for me and all the students. She was open to addressing any academic issues, listening to new ideas, and providing us with new opportunities for development. I really wish her all the best. (Melina Gipali, Msc Hospitality graduate)

What is your fondest memory from your time at BHMS?

"What stands out to me the most are the graduation ceremonies. 

It is always so amazing to see students after they have grown. They have left the school and come back with their parents and their families to celebrate their journeys and achievements: this is always such a special day. 

Those are the images that I am going to take with me.

Working with you was an incredible experience. Thank you for your support and your inspiring vision. I have learned so much from you by observing your dedication, resilience, and teamwork. (Laura Chávez)

What key insights have you gained from your time at BHMS?

"The key thing I will take away is that change is wonderful. Nothing stays the same. 

I have been privileged to see the growth and development of BHMS over the last 14 years, and it has been a fantastic journey. You need to embrace all the changes that come to you in life and go with the flow. 

Having open eyes and an open heart will make you successful, but always make sure that the environment that you are in stays positive and keeps moving forward. 

Thank you so much for always being such a reliable colleague and for your ability to navigate the complexity of BHMS with wisdom and grace. For your future, I wish you adventure, boldness, and a community of people who will pour into you just as you have poured into so many over the past 14 years. All the best. (Emilie Moser, Head of Marketing)

What are your plans and aspirations?

"I am looking forward to a new challenge in academia: it is my world, something that I love. It is a privilege to be part of young people's journeys and see them develop and grow and work towards achieving quite different goals in many different areas. 

My aspiration is to keep doing what I have learned and enjoyed for the last 28 years since I first came to Switzerland. I am sure that I will continue to work with many great people and stay in touch with those who have greatly influenced me over the last years."
