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Back 11.09.2023 Campus life

All roads lead to Lucerne: B.H.M.S. Business and Hotel Management School welcomes 91 new students

The end of August marked the return of our students to Lucerne after a well-deserved summer term break. It also saw a new influx of energy as 91 students from around the globe walked through our doors for the very first time, ready to embark on a new, important chapter in their lives. Specialising in hospitality, global business, or culinary arts, we are excited to welcome this new cohort of international talent, a testament to B.H.M.S.'s reputation as a premier institution for business and hospitality education.

There are only 8 people in my class, and Chef Michael is such a communicative teacher. I love the 5-week term system, which means I only have 3 or 4 subjects to focus on at a time and it’s easier to prepare for the end-of-term exams.

A Diverse Student Body

Each new student brings their unique perspectives, experiences, and aspirations to the table.

Take Anton, for example, a first-year Culinary Arts student from Russia. He started his academic career at one of the top polytechnical universities in Russia where he studied nuclear physics. It didn’t take long for him to realise he wasn’t cut out for these studies, and he decided to leave university to start his own business, specialising in Virtual Reality. What brought him to B.H.M.S.? His love of culinary arts and his desire to develop his business skills. It’s only been a few weeks but the course is already exceeding his expectations.

Switzerland is renowned for the quality of its education. I chose B.H.M.S. because of how central Lucerne is—at the end of the week, I can just hop on a train and go to Milan for work.

Or take Nikol, from Bulgaria, who is a professional singer. For her, studying global business management alongside her career in the entertainment industry means she can acquire the business acumen she needs to one day manage her parents’ company, as well as expand her own burgeoning career. Why did she choose B.H.M.S. to pursue her education?

As for Benji, from Taiwan, after graduating from a prestigious Swiss high school, he decided that B.H.M.S. was the ideal place for him to learn the art and skill of hospitality. After only a few weeks, he has already grown in the areas of time management, punctuality, table-setting, and overall confidence.

As for every new intake, students spend their first weeks getting their bearings around campus. Our welcome team introduces them to the city and organises various cultural and sightseeing outings. Learning starts outside of the classroom as new students encounter Swiss culture for the first time and start making key observations about how life is organised in Switzerland. Anton, for example, was surprised at how organised the traffic lights for pedestrians are in the city.

It’s also an immersion in using English on a daily basis, which is different from just studying it in a classroom. On top of English, students also start learning either German or French (both official languages in Switzerland). Benji, already fluent in German, English, and Chinese, has started French lessons. 

It’s a hard language, but I’m trying to learn it!

At the end of their first week on campus, the newest members of the B.H.M.S. community take part in an Orientation Day. They are introduced to key faculty members and given the most important information needed to start their academic careers on the right foot. The week culminates in a grand Welcome Dinner where participants were spoiled with a feast worthy of a king, prepared by our culinary team extraordinaire.

I am struck by how united the community on campus is. It doesn’t matter where you are from, the staff and students welcome you like one of their own.

We wish all our new students a memorable and rewarding experience as they embark on this exciting chapter in their lives. Together, they will shape the future of business, hospitality, and culinary arts with their passion, dedication, and global perspective.
