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Back 21.01.2024 Academics

The heart of sustainable tourism

The COEUR Business Creativity Workshop, which took place in Porvoo, Finland, not only left MSc student Franky Raminoson with the 1st prize for the best presentation - he departed profoundly transformed, with a new understanding of and hope for sustainable tourism.

This workshop was not just an academic endeavour; it was a life-altering experience that touched my core and broadened my perspective on sustainability, healthy tourism, and the immense potential for positive change within the tourist industry.

Participating in the COEUR 2023 Sustainability Workshop in Porvoo, Finland, as an MSc student representing B.H.M.S., was an unforgettable and profoundly enriching experience. I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this transformative journey. This workshop was not just an academic endeavour; it was a life-altering experience that touched my core and broadened my perspective on sustainability, healthy tourism, and the immense potential for positive change within the tourist industry.

The session left a lasting imprint on my understanding of tourist sustainability. It provided me with a toolset of tactics and best practices that I will be able to use in my future work in the hotel and tourist industry.

Actionable steps towards sustainable tourism

The workshop’s keynote presentations served as the foundation of our learning journey. They offered us a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between sustainable practices and tourism, delving deep into the environmental, economic, and social aspects of sustainability. The experts who shared their knowledge were inspirational, igniting our passion for sustainable tourism, especially since the ideas and innovative practices they presented were not merely abstract concepts but actionable steps that I am eager to integrate into my future career.

This program was a transformative journey that has encouraged me to actively contribute to the long-term sustainability of the tourist sector.

Diverse perspectives lead to sustainable tourism success

We worked in teams to come up with ideas surrounding sustainable tourism to present to the group. My team ended up winning 1st prize for best presentation, and I believe this accomplishment exemplifies the power of collaboration and cultural variety. Our team’s diverse viewpoints, knowledge, and experiences resulted in a well-rounded and original approach that impressed the judges. Winning this prize not only gave me great pride, but also highlighted the necessity of cross-cultural collaboration in tackling sustainability concerns.

The session left a lasting imprint on my understanding of tourist sustainability. It provided me with a toolset of tactics and best practices that I will be able to use in my future work in the hotel and tourist industry. The concepts I acquired at COEUR 2023 are not just theoretical but practical, making them incredibly relevant and valuable to my career journey.

This program was a transformative journey that has encouraged me to actively contribute to the long-term sustainability of the tourist sector. It was a voyage filled with learning, sharing, and wonderful experiences.

The M.Sc. in Global Business Management at BHMS offers an understanding of economic and human management in today's fast-moving global environment. The COEUR Business Creativity Workshop is just one example of the opportunities our students participate in as they acquire the skills and discipline required for positions as managers in the service sector or a wide spectrum of other disciplines. 
