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Back 10.04.2024 Success stories

The key to success after graduation

After graduating from BHMS, Sophie Kortushova dove into the world of luxury tourism. Now working as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors LLC “Koudijs MKorma", Sophie discusses how motivation has been the key to her success and shares 6 ways to foster motivation.


I am driven by the unwavering motivation to exceed expectations and achieve set goals.

How to find the motivation within

Taking those first steps after graduation is always unnerving: big decisions must be made, and career paths must be forged. Looking back at my journey to success, I am eager to share what I’ve learned over the years.

My professional journey after BHMS began with a wonderful role in a leading Russian concierge service specialising in luxury tourism. I then entered the prestigious sphere of private banking, working as a Personal Assistant to one of the largest bank shareholders in the world. Collaborating with esteemed partners such as Forbes, UBS Group AG, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, and Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group allowed me to gain invaluable experience and knowledge. The tasks and opportunities that unfolded before me in these positions became catalysts for personal and professional growth.

When I think of what has enabled me to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world, in which competition has become increasingly fierce, I realise that I am driven by an unwavering motivation to exceed expectations and achieve set goals; anyone who has chosen to study business and hospitality recognizes the importance of motivation as a means to fulfilling one’s ambitions.

Goals must be more than just abstract dreams; they should be well-planned strategies that require effort and perseverance.

Studying hospitality management and global business management will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively manage businesses and create impressive hospitality cultures.

It can provide you with all the skills needed to create a unique experience for clients and to leave your mark on the industry. But this will only serve you if you actively seek to motivate yourself. Motivation and inspiration are what drive us, allowing us to turn our ambitions into reality. Goals must be more than just abstract dreams; they should be well-planned strategies that require effort and perseverance.

Motivation may seem like something that should come naturally, but there are plenty of ways to foster it. Here are six ways I motivate myself to continue ascending the career ladder:


1. Put skills and knowledge into practice to see how they play out in the real world.  Every project and internship is an opportunity not only to practise but also to learn, grow, and strive for new heights.

2. Keep learning and updating your tourism industry and business management knowledge. Participate in workshops and implement your own ideas — striving to find a creative approach to work and staying updated on all innovations in the sector will renew your passion for your work.

3. Remember that you can make a significant contribution to a company's growth and success while further enhancing your professional level. This prospect is profoundly motivating. The combination of commitment to the work and an unwavering pursuit of excellence propels me forward on the career ladder, ensuring that each step I take is a step towards personal and professional fulfilment.


4. Expand professional networks to build connections and explore new opportunities. Discovering mutually beneficial collaborations and the opportunity to reach new heights is incredibly motivating. I am always open to establishing new connections. I am also considering various options for international partnerships throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

5. Develop cross-cultural skills for working in international companies. My time at BHMS gave me an excellent head-start in this area — a diverse environment and international internships are a wonderful way to keep inspired as you discover the many possible roads your career can take you down. My Swiss experience taught me to appreciate diversity, think flexibly, and communicate effectively with people from various cultures. These qualities have become key factors in my professional life, enabling successful interactions with colleagues and partners from around the world. Thus, my experience in Switzerland was not only a period of active learning but also the foundation for building a successful career and life in a globalised world.

6. Practising teamwork and leadership for effective management. Business and hospitality management is not just an educational institution but also a community where students move forward, inspiring each other to reach new heights.
