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Back 24.11.2023 Careers

How to stand out at your job interview

You’ve sent in a stellar CV and secured an interview - congratulations! Exciting as this may be, the hardest is yet to come. We’ve compiled a handful of tips that will make you stand out from the other candidates, avoid classic interview mistakes, and secure that position.

The most important thing I learned during my internship is confidence.

1) Make a good first impression

First impressions might not be everything, but in an interview context, they can make the difference between staying in the running or being disqualified from the get-go. A few simple things can ensure that you don’t stand out in the wrong way:

  • Don’t be late. If anything, make sure you’re a few minutes early.
  • Go by yourself. While it may be tempting to bring a friend along for support, it’s far better to be perceived as independent.
  • Smile a lot, so that you come across as friendly and motivated.

While there may be curveballs during the interview itself, the first impression is usually under your control, and it’s easy to avoid classic pitfalls during this time.

2) Practice answering the kinds of questions they may ask

Take some time before the interview to formulate responses to the kinds of questions they may ask. Some typical interview questions might be:

  • Why do you want to work with us?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What do you want to learn and improve on yourself during this internship?
  • What did you learn from your previous employer?

Practice your responses with a friend before the interview if you’re worried about getting tongue-tied.

Stop fearing what might go wrong, and start anticipating what could go right. This opportunity allows me to channel my ideas and energy into the culinary field, benefiting both the company and myself.

3) Be curious and informed

While your first impression and your responses to questions are important, the questions you ask and your knowledge and understanding of the business you’re hoping to work for will really help you stand out from the crowd.

Research the business, its values, and its projects, so that you can work your knowledge into your responses, and ask well-informed questions yourself.

Keeping your phone switched off and in your bag and pocket (not on the table) will also show that you're curious and giving your full attention to the job recruiter.
